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April 23, 2010


This looks really interesting. I took one photoshop class with DJPettitt and have wanted to take more. I need to wrap my brain around my work load to see if I can devote the time to this. Hmm....

This looks like a wonderful class Marie. And the image you included is fantastic!

I am DELIGHTED to see this post today. Can hardly wait to see the website.

so happy to be taught by you again!!
i can't wait for the class, i know it will be great!!!!

Awesome!!! As you know I've taken a couple of classes online and one promised RAW processing, but didn't deliver--the other was just...well bleh and more confusing than anything. You explain things the best and I think the fact that you've been doing photoshop for so long (like waayyyy before it was cool) you puts you at the top of the teaching game.

I can't wait and I know all the collage cats who've been asking me when you were gonna do this for YEARS will be signing up as well!

I sure hope some of your grunge rubs off on me LOL

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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