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July 08, 2010


I'm pleased you moved forward in your journey!

Oh Marie, so happy you did not listen to the naysayers! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this image. In fact, I would purchase note cards of it please and thank you very much. **blows kisses** Deb

As a misfit in school and throughout my life, I've always been amused whenever anyone says that one kind of thing isn't as genuine as another kind of thing.

Your wonderful art has always been very real to me dearie! I've been a fan from day one. I'm so glad you turned a deaf ear to the naysayer.


I think the art comes from the soul and the medium used is whatever fits. Your digital art is definitely art.

Du bist einmalig! Ich liebe Deine Kunst, ich liebe Deinen Blog und ich bin so froh, dass ich von Dir so viel lernen kann. Da mir so oft die richtigen Worte in Englisch fehlen, schreibe ich einfach einmal in Deutsch.... than you can translate it with Google :-)
This digital collage is again so fantastic, especially the frame.
XOXO from your German student

And good on you for continuing to push pixels and digital art, shouldn't it be more about having fun and exploring creativity than labelling.

like many other artist

you were simply living ahead of your time..


forward thinker that you are..

Pretty flower, Marie :)

Good for you for sticking to your beliefs..and your 'art'. Who is to say what 'real' art is anyway?!?! Lovely image!

Yes, the worm turns and turns :-)

I can relate; I can even remember when if it wasn't created on a Mac, it wasn't even "real" digital art. It was Corel vs. Adobe. I was so shocked, I recall, when Adobe started making software for PCs. I'm glad they did, though!

Your art is fantastic; you've been a true inspiration to me. Back in 2008, I created my first selective colour piece (using Elements then, and NO layer masking) because I was so inspired by something I saw on your blog. The supposed know-it-alls may have been nasty and opinionated way back when, but the joke's on them. Cream always rises to the top!

DITTO what Nancy said.

their are some people that you
JUST SHOULD NOT listen too!!!
your art is fabulous!!
love the frame around your coneflower
can we learn that next class!!
thanks for sharing your wonderful techniques
and tip/tricks in photoshop
your the best!!

Glad you ignored the art "police" and did your thing! Your artwork is evocative and lovely and we're all the luckier for it!

It always amuses me when people try to say this or that is or isn't "art". I wish they would shut up and go make some of their own. Wait. Did I just say that out loud?

You were a trail blazer, I'm so glad you were along with the others who persisted until it because recognized as the beautiful art form it is. Thank you for having the courage

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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