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January 16, 2011


Your city stories are always so much fun to read...and those Central Park photos looks like they could be from the 19th Century!

The snowy photos look nostalgic in a lovely way (as I've said before, I really prefer photos of snow to the real stuff). I get angry at over-priced skimpy food, too - especially if the service isn't wonderful.

Ah, living' in the big city. DH and I have walked out of some places here too, shaking our heads at what we paid for what we received.

Nighthawks is my alltime favourite Hopper work (I know it's likely his most popular, but the whole piece just resonates with me so much). It was a tremendous treat for me last April, when I was in Chicago, to finally see it up-close-and-personal. The Art Institute of Chicago is where that particular piece lives (along with another classic that was a treat to see, although it isn't really a fave of mine, Grant Wood's American Gothic).

Love those two Central Park photos; they're SO different from all the summer ones.

You tell a great story and I love hearing about your excursions. And frankly I'm with you a $13 sandwich had better be something extraordinary :-) I expect the DH felt bad that it was his suggestion to dine there. Love what you did with the CP bridge photo.

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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