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January 30, 2012


I know what you mean. My mom used to make dishes for family meals or parties and she wouldn't write things down so there's no recipes!

I like the grungy girls you're doing!

I really like the grungy girl, so please- take notes, so I can learn how to make one!

I love your grunge girls, they have such evocative imagery, a suggestion of a mood without be obvious.
And I'm confident you will be able to find a way to walk your students through.

Gorgeous......and Yay!!!!!......new class!!!!!!!!!!! Count me in! xo

You do these SO DARNED WELL!! We are eagerly awaiting the How-To's :-)

Grungy yet beautiful - great effects! I know what you mean about getting carried away and not noting what you've done.

lovely work as always!
and yes i would like to have a recorder in my head, remembering every thought that transpires while i work, sometimes they come in and then i'm off on a tangent and then it is gone. (i can't write them down fast enough!)

She's beautiful.

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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