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April 23, 2012




well, I find it hard to believe that there's just a torch (read: flame) lighting these. So, I just won't believe it. There.

(okay, I believe it. you can do miracles with those tools of yours)

Wow... how great this light tulips! Love it!

Who cares about photographic purists????????????

Esp. love the first one.............. :-)

Love both of these!

I think they look pretty amazing, but it doesn't matter what I think - you are so right in saying that 'floating your own boat' is what matters most! Ux

Hooray for bolshy!!! These are magnificent. XOXO

They are amazing! I's love the 'how to' that you mentioned too. I can't imagine how this is done.

yeah, that is what counts. I think us ild chooks get that right after a while.

I love the contrast and the tiny bubbles of air against the outside of the flower.. dramatic.gorgeous.

it indeed is 'what counts most', and at that, you got terrific results!

Oh Marie, SoooooooOOOoo Beautiful! Your brilliant mind just never stops, thank heavens! **kisses** Deb

wonderful color! isnt it fun to do something a little off the usual!

how light can change a photo completely, amazing

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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