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August 05, 2012


Loved your new space, Marie.
And what an impressive body of work!

Does a person have to sign up for an account to Squarespace before she can comment? I've tried to comment on other squarespace blogs but it's been difficult. Just wondering if it's me, or squarespace!

oh, wow.... I'm soooo good with changes, Marie!!

off to see!

Very cool, Marie. I'm learning more and more about Squarespace with every passing day, it seems. :)

Oh my, your geek is showing ~ but, seriously, how nice to be armed with such tools!!!!
Looks wonderful, Maire.


I use Squarespace too and love it. I am still on v5 but want to go to v6 but dont know how? Or is that only new sites?

Anyhoo - looks great Marie!

Love the new site, clean, clear and easy to navigate, it's a winner!
Network Engineering, geeze girl is there anything you haven't tackled! There really are two sides to you, or maybe several, multi-dimentional :-)

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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