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September 05, 2012


p.p.s. Okay, i'm only commenting one more time. THIS would fit perfectly on our entry wall!!!

Just fabulous. So interesting and makes one stop in their tracks.

Very cool - love it, Marie.

WOW! That would make a great poster!

I remember lots of ups and downs, crawling through weeny doorways, etc doing the Intrepid tour. It was almost right next to or hotel in Hell's Kitchen. I could never be in the navy...

Love your creative perspective! Always amazed at things you come up with to alter a photo and make it something special

Your photo editing makes me think the ship is manned by Borgs.

LOL, crazy Marie, alien fun

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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