« The Calm Before The Storm | Main | Recovering from Hurricane Sandy »

October 29, 2012


Miss You!!!

Marie I was thinking about you all day yesterday - hope all is well with you. Your city looks like it's taken a battering, and then some!

Stellar work on this, Marie ~ I love the relief and depth it has.
And I do hope you will be alright in the storms ~
while in Long Beach earlier this month it made me shiver just to see the signs for "evacuation route in case of tsunami" ~ cannot imagine being on the opposite coast at the moment.
Stay safe.


its early tues am. still cant see what the world looks like too dark. just know we still have electric thank heaven. hope you are doing ok. what a storm!

Stay safe, Marie!

Thinking about you today!! Stay Safe!!!
Our hurricaine preps are almost automatic these days after 15 years in the target zone but sounds like you have it all handled!!!

I love the way you merged your photos. Good luck with Sandy. You sound well prepared.

So glad you included pics of the originals, helps me to truly appreciate what you've done to create your piece, amazing! Girl it sounds like you have done a great job preparing for 'Sandy's' visit, I hope she doesn't visit long and keeps out of trouble!

I have family and friends in NY that are preparing to have Sandy come there

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  • My name is Marie Otero. I'm a mixed media artist and spend my life hopping between my beloved Australia and the US. My current passion is digital art and photography, but I love to create new and fun stuff with almost anything I can lay my hands on.

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