Acrosss at the Altered Page, Seth is getting ready to unveil the latest episode of "The Pulse".
and to mercilessly borrow from his eloquent words ... The Pulse is ...
...." an online survey in words and pictures of over 125 artists, starts out with a bang this coming Fourth of July weekend.
The Pulse is a collaborative project that has been part of The Altered Page since January 2008.
Its purpose is to "tap into the pulse" of the mixed-media arts community and share with you the "state of the art."
This project will introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and provide a window into the creative hearts and minds of the talented pool of artists working today."
Seth Apter.
Seth is also introducing Style File - a response to ‘How would you describe your artistic style’.
I'm not quite sure if I can remember what I said, but apparently it's going to be part of the "Style File".
So check out Seth's page this weekend.
It's sure to be full of artistic goodness and delight!