I spent the better part of the afternoon crafting a new banner from some 15 different images sent to me by my Vision and Verb pals from around the world ....and this is the result.
A little more tweaking here and there but on the whole I am happy, and so apparently are they - Phew! Taking on commissions of any sort can be a bit of a challenge as you never really know whether you are going to please the "client" or not and wait with bated breath until you get the thumbs UP! Probably even tougher when they are your friends too...!!
I've also spent some considerable hours today weeding through photo files from 2006 to now. Junking about 2000 of them and coming across the odd gem or two and working a little more on two that I had on the simmering plate, one from Morocco and one from Venice.
They are both coming along a whole lot better than yesterday's effort which I was not pleased with at all, and have since thrown it in the bin and trashed the offending blog post too.
These will probably end up in the keeper folder after a little more rounding off! I'm not happy with the balance of light in the Venice piece so will have to work on that further!!!!