Aside from stitching and not getting on with things that I should be - I have been spending a lot of time outside in the garden, planting, watering, weeding and prodding the garden into bloom.
Things are coming along nicely BUT I've already noticed a few munch marks on the rose buds and I'd really like to get hold of the creature that decided to enjoy most of my new Basil plant for his dinner last night! I sure hope whoever it was has a nice case of indigestion!
And on a totally unrelated note, one of the blogs that I enjoy reading is that of Jason Mraz. Aside from loving his music I find he has a fun and interesting take on life and often shares neat tid bits of information - such as what music HE listens to.
I particularly like the sounds of this fellow Kris Orlowski. Check out The Passenger String Quartet - very lovely, to me anyway.