Thanks so much for the fabulous response to my thoughts on a Painterly Class. The more I think about it the more excited I get!!
I love to find creative ways to use my own photographs as well as stock material and I think this class will be just about PERFECT for combining the two.
The above image incorporates some stock from SenshiStock over at Deviant Art as well as my own photos of Caumsett Park, personal textures and a couple from Shadow House.
Hm'hmm humming to myself here as thoughts percolate inside my head :-)
(You rather have to be here :-))!
On another and less savoury note, my blog has been targeted by spammers of late. Typepad does not seem to be able to help very much and so for a while, I have instituted the dreaded IDIOT CODE for comments.
I am sorry about this but lewd, rude and porny kinds of stuff are not the links/comments I want on posts, whether they are old or new.
I appreciate your patience in the mean-time.